Friday, July 19, 2013

Something I Learned from the Navy (part 2)

"Can go beach today?" I told Rylee we would go (and we did!) just because I was so happy and surprised that she put a whole sentence together. It amazes me how children pick up language. They go from crying to cooing to "dada" to "Can I have ice cream for breakfast?" It also amazes me at what words they find important. Rylee went through a whole stage where she said "maybe" all the time. "Rylee, do you want some milk?" "Maybe." "Rylee, is it time for a nap?" "Maybe." Haha Well, I began to realize how often I had been saying "maybe" myself!
Words are pretty powerful. I was so inspired by the words I found in the Navy writing guide that I was ready to make some changes in my life. Proverbs 18:21 says that the tongue has the power of life and death. If that's really true, I want and need some words of life in my life, not just words of inspiration. 
My attention was drawn to Philippians 4:4-9 (you know, the "think on these things" passage)  and decided that would be a great place to begin. Here are my new inspirational bullet points:
Faces all situations with joyfulness
Possesses a gentleness that extends to others
Quick to avoid needless worry
Dedicated to prayer
Experiences an incomprehensible and supernatural peace
Epitome of proper thinking
Reputation for practicing what is preached

I think these are some words worth putting on the fridge and being inspired by... I know I am particular about what I don't want said around Rylee because I don't want her picking it up, but what good things are being picked up? I want her to know the principles I aspire to and where they come from. Hopefully I do/say them so often that it is only natural she starts repeating them.

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